Please understand that these are notes taken by: James Schultz, and are passed onto others by the best of his understanding of what was said. His words are not to be used as quotes, it is merely his best regugitation of what was said at the time. This means areas of pasages may be wrong due to lack of careful edited. Again don't quote here just take the message at face value and do your own scripture digging.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Who can be saved

Finishing up this chapter and almost this book
Mat 19:16-26

3 Questions

What good should I do to have eternal life? This man was very concerned with this question. Today’s society as a relativity of right and wrong. In the Jewish mindset there was a exact right and wrong a good and bad. Jesus knew this man was sincere in his pursuit of God. There is only one who is good. This man may have been looking for something else. We have a lot of choices today in our society. The amount of choices we have can actually cause us stress. The one choice God points this man to is obedience to God. John 14:15. 1 Samuel 15:22. (Samuel called Saul to obey.) This man did all the things required, and still is not satisfied. So….
What do I lack? This man was saying how much more will it cost him to deserve eternal life. We say, but what do I really need to do? That is all we want to know. How much is enough to satisfy the requirements. What is the bare minimum to be a good person. The real question he was asking is what don’t we lack? He walks away sad because his eyes were focused on his money, because he went away sad. If you would be complete/whole then you need to do this thing, whatever that may be. Maybe its our ego, maybe its sensual indulgence, comfort, choice, gluttony, whatever is keeping us apart from God completely. This will keep us from being obedient because this is what he serves. We may obey where our heart is not completely in it. That thing is different for everyone, where do I need to become more poor. Love with our heart mind soul and strength. If anything comes between that happening then you are in danger of not entering the kingdom of heaven. What is it for you? Jobs, video games, or internet. Damian was an important man to another obligation before he choose to take up his cross and follow Christ. You have to search your heart for those riches. Deut 20:7 Love with all mind soul strength and spirit. What would make it difficult to die at the end of this week, what would I have to give up to be satisfied at the end of the week. God wants us to be prepared to rejoice in our death. For every 100 people who can withstand poverty only one man can withstand prosperity. (Not Jesus just a thinker) Only with difficulty will a rich man enter the kingdom of heaven.

Then who can be saved? How does this apply to me? People have walked away sad, because they don’t want to give up these things for Jesus and the kingdom of God. They won’t trade now for later. They may be challenged, they may be convicted, but they don’t change. Romans 7:21-24. The battle doesn’t change when you become a Christian. We want to be obedient, we want to know God, but we wage war with the flesh and mind. Jesus Christ is the key and it is possible to have salvation but through him may we find this.

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