Please understand that these are notes taken by: James Schultz, and are passed onto others by the best of his understanding of what was said. His words are not to be used as quotes, it is merely his best regugitation of what was said at the time. This means areas of pasages may be wrong due to lack of careful edited. Again don't quote here just take the message at face value and do your own scripture digging.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Campus Retreat Saturday

Daniel 9
We don’t fight a battle that we can see, but according to the spiritual realm. What you do in prayer reverberates through the spiritual air. It is the most important thing we can participate in. We don’t even come close to honoring this.
God always moves when we are on our knees. This year we are going to pray. We need to be open and focused on how we can get help on that. Prayer is a team sport and may we put that into practice.
Mike – Preaching
Luke 11
These Jews wanted to learn from Christ how to pray, even though they were taught since they were young. Prayer is one of those things we all know we should do it. There are times in your life where you feel great about your prayer life and there are time you don’t. Prayer is one of those things you grow in, prayer is one of those things you have to learn. As young people we need to learn it at a very young age. The 1 Tim 4:7-8 Physical training is of some value, but spiritual value is greater.
If you don’t start talking to God now, what make you think all of eternity is actually going to be fun. We hear about in the bible who pray all night. Daniel was one of those guys who prayed 3 times a day. When you have that kind of a life the lion doesn’t mean much. We defeat ourselves before we even start, we have to train ourselves in this first. Prayer is much the same way we have to have vision and have progressive increase.
Have that kind of faith and have that kind of conviction; we can all be that way. It may take a few months it may take a few years, you can still start today. The basic stance of a prayer is to thank God for what he has done and what he is like. What it must be like to be in the presence of the living God. What it must be like to just see God, and how all the people of the bible fall on their face. The earth can’t hold the presence of God. God’s presence fill all because he is awesome.
We have to recognize Mat 6 your heavenly father knows what you need. The prayer is not for God’s benefit, it is for our benefit. We eat our food, but we forget that it is only by God’s grace we are able to. It helps remind us when we reflect on what we have been given, because God has given us all. Why do we pray about our sins, it is a exercise in humility and understanding. It is a relief when we are open about our life and about what is going on. He continually purifies us and we acknowledge him and what we fall short in. It is important that we pray about being left from sin, so when we are confronted by it how can we fall into it if we truly wanted to have it not tempt us.
If we are not praying about this stuff we can forget that this sin will hurt us Gal 6 reap what we sew. Just because we present ourselves in a better light, doesn’t mean we are right. Eventually you will reap what we are hiding from. We have to own up and realize there are consequences.
Luke 11:5
We need to be bold in our prayers and step out on our faith.
Luke 18:1
Jesus wants us all to be consistent in prayer. Persistent prayer is a sign of faith. We pray because we believe God can do it and he is able. Sometimes the answer is no and sometimes its yes, sometimes it is wait. You have to keep praying.
Luke 11:9
James 4:2, God gives us what we need, not what we want. If we as earthly people know what to get our kids, then how much more will our father take care of us. How crazy is it to want our family, friends, whomever to become Christians but we don’t pray for it?
Our heavenly father knows what we want and he knows every one of our needs. Like a father who wants to love his child, God loves to take care of us. James 1 it taken care of widows in distress.
We shouldn’t say to our God we have big problems. We should be saying to our problems we have a big God. Julie Desouza UK story.

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