Please understand that these are notes taken by: James Schultz, and are passed onto others by the best of his understanding of what was said. His words are not to be used as quotes, it is merely his best regugitation of what was said at the time. This means areas of pasages may be wrong due to lack of careful edited. Again don't quote here just take the message at face value and do your own scripture digging.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Campus Retreat Sunday

Hebrews 12:1-6
Jesus knew the result was going to be an amazing victory. Suspenseful films lead us to question the motives of the actors and situations, but the second time you watch it you are different when approaching the situation. Jesus knew the outcome and could look past the present and focus on the future. (this is much deeper, look into it later).
Suffering is one of our biggest fears. Megan Fotenot fears for the suffering of the children she sees as a nurse. We worry so much about the suffering at the end of our life. Jesus went towards suffering and toward death, so he could be obedient toward suffering so that he could be obedient to God. We don’t have to be afraid, because the most hardship we face on earth is the worst we will face of hell, and non-christians the best they face in this life is the best they will see of heaven.
God doesn’t expect us to endure anymore than what he had to go through as an example. Through that disciple he shows us that we are his son’s and daughters. It is even scarier to think you are not going to be disciplined and corrected by our father. We have to show proof of ownership as we live here in life. There is going to be a great result in the future. Consider the day in and day out Jesus thought of you when and the sins of the world he would die for and the sinless life he had to live in order to achieve that for us.
Mike Desouza (CULT Leader AMEN J) – Sermon
Mat 9:35-38 He felt compassion for the crowd, we usually feel compassion for ourselves for what is going on in our lives. Jesus felt compassion because they were harassed and helpless. Sheep get harassed when the Sheppard is away or out. Jesus saw this from the people, he saw the people being harassed by the world.
Number 27:12 – Moses and Aaron disobeyed and so did the people, and the leaders will not be able to go into the promise land but they will be able view it from the distance, but then they will shortly die. Moses was a Sheppard of his people, and he needed to lead his people into the promise land.
As a father we you have this protective mentality toward your family and ensure they will be protected from evil. David also cared for his own flock even before he became famous. He protected his sheep from lions and bears. John 10 Jesus said he is the good shepard.
Ezekiel 34 The heart of God starts in v.11. Jesus had the heart of a good shepard. We have got to develop this kind of heart. Is life ever getting you down, or are you feeling helpless.
Ask in Mat 9 is not just ask it is deeper in Greek, it means to beg and plead. He then gives them authority to do the miracles. Luke 10. Do you remember how you felt before you became a Christian. Fill life with everything that was empty. Only after we found God and became Christians is when we were filled properly. Sin can feel content for awhile but we will have to sin more and more to feel complete. Nothing in this world alone will make us feel satisfied until you are filled with God. God knows us all and he knows everything and he cares for everyone the same.
If only we could see others the way we see lost children and abused in the world. Pray because God wants us to have the heart of God. It helps us to see things from God’s point of view. We have to learn to see the way God see things. Pray until our heart changes, until we can be used more effectively. Jesus actually prayed to avoid having to go to the cross. We have the answer, people are searching and we have the key. People commit suicide because they have nothing to live for.
Doctor healed for now, soul doctor healed for eternity. Share the message. Start to have big dreams, start to have a greater level of faith. Starts with prayer and keep doing it till God is using you more than you can ever imagine. Why can ministries grow more than ever before, because it doesn’t depend on us.
Send out workers into HIS harvest field and God wants to have his children back.

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