Please understand that these are notes taken by: James Schultz, and are passed onto others by the best of his understanding of what was said. His words are not to be used as quotes, it is merely his best regugitation of what was said at the time. This means areas of pasages may be wrong due to lack of careful edited. Again don't quote here just take the message at face value and do your own scripture digging.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

3-30-08 Prayer Sermon

Joel B.
Luke 22:17-20 (Communion)
Ruth 2:2, Mat 1 (Eco of time for contribution)

Sermon (Prayer) ACTS
Pray Continually: Luke 18:1, Ephesians 6:18, Phil 4:6, and 1 The 5:17

We don’t usually go to prayer naturally. All the time we must pray. Prayer is one of those things that is personal. Pray continually because Jesus did. Mark 1:35 early in the morning when it was still dark. Mark 6:45-46 end of the day. Luke 5:15-16, Luke 6:12-15 spent the night praying to God before a great decision. Hebrews 5:7 life of prayer and supplication with cries and tears. Hebrews 7:23-25, Jesus continually intercedes for his people. Romans 8:26-27. Pray continually and he still does intercede for us.

The early church prayed continually. Acts 1:14, 2:1, 4:31, 6:4, 12:5, it is easy to see the early church imitated his prayer life. There we not conferences, there was not books, there wasn’t that many distractions as well though. We often substitute good for best. We run to all the other things rather than the bible. They are bandages on a gaping wound. We have developed less than adequate crutches in our day. The source of their strength wasn’t Jesus physically it was him spiritually. Throw away the crutches and walk with God, prayer and continually.

We must walk with God in Life. Genesis 5:22-24, he was praying probably. There wasn’t a torah or law yet, but he wanted to walk with God and Enoch was swept away. We really need to have an encounter with God. Pray is one of the most important things. Pray establishes our relationship with God. Worry about the mountain goes away when we see God.

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