Please understand that these are notes taken by: James Schultz, and are passed onto others by the best of his understanding of what was said. His words are not to be used as quotes, it is merely his best regugitation of what was said at the time. This means areas of pasages may be wrong due to lack of careful edited. Again don't quote here just take the message at face value and do your own scripture digging.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Resurection Day

Happy Resurrection Sunday

Listening to God

All of Christian faith relies on the resurrection. 1 Cor 15
Luke 24 – Honestly how do we do that God? Is that really you speaking God?
First hearing aid: Witness
Witnesses in the new testaments are key. This group of women came to the tomb to prepare him for burial. Appeared to Cleopas and 12 disciples. We take eye witness account so serious today that it can put someone to the death. These people were actually still alive and you could talk to others about the Christ and validate it. All you have to do is produce the body from the Jews or Romans in order to stop the revolt, but in Jewish and Roman writings there is mention of Christ, but not the body. You are going to die for a cause, should that cause be just and right? Do we believe, and are we listening.
Second hearing aid: Contemplation/Meditation
Jesus was about getting people to think for themselves. Think deeply what God is asking for you. He keeps trying to get the apostles to understand and contemplate what has just happened.
Third hearing aid: The Word/ This is God speaking
Every time God speaks with people is a awesome experience in the old testament. God became a man so we could hear him clearly. Ant eater and ants J. How does God speak to you, what is he teaching you today.
How is our spiritual understanding of Christ’s resurrection? Do we put our faith in this? Do we seek guidance in this life? Does media influence you more? Do I hear and obey the word of God as God?

How would you know that you are listening to God? Or God is speaking to you?

Luke 24, some signs you might be listening to God. Sharing the message 24/7/365 they shared it immediately. Acts 5:42 day after day they never stopped teaching and proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ. How excited we can get over some simple things in this life. LOTR/ Sport fanatics/ whatever we make a huge deal out of something insignificant. We should be shouting like these things.

Second thing is wonder and worship. We should be throughout the week in wonder and awe of the amazing resurrection and plan God has for our lives.

Third thing is your mind will be open to the scriptures into God’s word. We must make the choice to let Christ and God into our hearts and mind. To change it and mold it. We must change our mind in order to be saved. Repentance toward God, it is a continual state of mind, no longer conform to the pattern of this world.

Fourth sign, absolute obedience. Now proclaim the message to all the people and all the earth. Acts records the apostles dying for the call of Christ and to obey Jesus. What we do in a relationship is sometimes more important than just words. You say you love me but are you willing to show it. Pray is sometimes finding the strength to obey.

Fifth sign, willingness to take communion. The cross must mean something to all of us. 1 Cor 11:25-32

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